"Love one another. As I
have loved you…
By this everyone will know
that you are my disciples."John 13: 34-35

Following in God's way, learning day by day, working with one another, caring for each other.

St Luke's Church

  • 'School leaders have a compassionate and highly ambitious Christian vision for the school community, leading to a shared culture of purpose and achievement.
  • Christian values, rooted in Biblical teaching, have a significant impact on all aspects of school life. As a result, very strong personal relationships enable all to flourish.' SIAMS 2017

We are very proud of our links with St Luke’s Church. Working with the church community is very important to us; it provides an opportunity for the church to be a part of our families as they grow.

The whole school enjoys Collective Worship in church once a term; children and staff of Years 5 and 6 join with the congregation for Holy Communion each term. Rector visits us to lead Collective Worship, Holy Communion services and RE sessions in school. He also leads Confirmation classes each year in order to prepare our children for their confirmation at Liverpool Cathedral.

We thoroughly enjoy being involved in church events. Reverend Trevor leads worship in school. This is thoroughly enjoyed by staff and children. Each year group contributes to the regular Praise Services, sharing the work we do in school.

Church members are also involved in school events and everyday school life, such as; running stalls at school fairs; organising a very successful Scrabble Club and reading with the children.

The children really appreciate the importance of church and school working together as one pupil said:

“It’s something you can simply feel all around you, like a blanket making you feel warm and safe.”

Contact Church:

Church Enquiry Office:  Tuesdays 7.00-7.30pm in the Vestry (for booking banns, weddings, baptisms and for general enquiries)



You may like to visit the website of our church https://www.facebook.com/StLukesChurchLowton/


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Contact Us

St Luke's C of E Primary

Church Lane,

01942 201140


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